Choosing a favorite fake watch release of the year is always a difficult task, although if you were to give me a blank check and tell me that I could have any timepiece that debuted in 2023, there is a fairly good chance that I would choose the cheap replica Hublot Big Bang Tourbillon Automatic Neon Yellow SAXEM.
Realistically speaking, there is no way to properly compare a highly value-driven tool top quality copy watches priced at a few hundred dollars to a high-horology art piece that costs more than a decently sized house in many parts of this country, as the criteria under consideration are fundamentally different for these two polar opposite ends of the horological spectrum.

Additionally, once you hit the six-figure price point, relative value starts to become less of a factor, and what you receive for your money is arguably less important than how the perfect replica Hublot simply makes you feel.
While the AAA quality fake Hublot Big Bang Tourbillon Automatic Neon Yellow SAXEM may not necessarily be the most practical, important, or technologically impressive new copy watch that was released this year, none of the other 2023 novelties put a smile on my face quite like this open-worked tourbillon inside a fully transparent highlighter-colored case.